Tuesday, September 20, 2011

To Die Or Not to Die

I have been following the Troy Davis story for some time now. Living in Georgia, it has frequently been the topic of discussion on the local radio and news stations. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine we would be coming down to the final hours before his execution still pleading for a stay.
I cannot say what transpired the night the officer was killed 20 years ago, nor can I plead for Troy's innocence. But what I do know is that it is unconstitutional, not to mention immoral, to put a man to death when his guilt is doubtable. No one is asking for him to be freed tomorrow. We are simply asking for the new evidence to be considered and granted a new trial.
All my life, I have been pro choice and pro death penalty, but with the conditions that the person be undoubtably guilty. With an obviously flawed justice system, I see it is not possible to ride both sides of the fence. Therefore, I am officially against the death penalty. Until we can have a justice system who sees the facts and only the facts when considering applying the death penalty, I do not agree that it should be used at all.
What is being done with Troy Davis is uncontienable. I continue to pray for him, as well as those who continuously deny him the right to live. May God have mercy on their souls.