Thursday, June 9, 2011

Nigger Lane

For some reason we think things should be different in 2011 than it was in 1961. We are now allowed to sit in the front of the bus, use the same bathrooms, drink from the same fountains and attend the same schools but things are NOT different. Some people wonder why but I know why. Hatred is taught not inherited. The same kids who threw bottles at Negros African American students being bussed into "white schools" are now old bigots who fill their children the same narrow-minded thoughts of hate. With that said, hate is not something that will go away. It is something that will transcend from generation to generation and infiltrate the minds of those not strong enough to differentiate what they are taught from what makes sense.

So what do we do, you ask? You keep on pushing. We cannot change everyone but we can't turn a blind eye to something that is there. Regardless of what we achieve and how much money we are worth, one thing will never change: we are BLACK. They hate us because we are black, so let's give them another reason to hate us. A positive one at that. They claim illegal immigrants are taking all the jobs so they have laws passed to have them sent back where they came from. What are they going to do to us when we take all the jobs, send us back to Africa???

Educate yourselves! While a standard education (K through 12th grade) is a requirement, college is not. That does not mean you should stop learning there. I've heard if you want to hide anything from a black person, put it in a book. READ! Self-education is better than anything you are taught in a classroom.

This post was inspired in its entirety by Parmenter Truck Shop in upstate NY. One of our tractor trailers broke down there yesterday and when they faxed over our invoice, our address was listed as "Nigger Lane". This was my first personal experience with racism. It was shocking at first but I figured the best way to deal with it would be to bring awareness. To help open someone else's eyes...